Featured Products
 CNC3470 & CNC3480
Floodstoppers in both standpipe and universal models
CNC3300,CNC3301 & CNC3302
All Stainless Snap-Fit Bar Grates
Basin Scoop
Heavy Catch Basin Scoop w/3/4” FIP Connection
Chicago, IL, April 23, 2012 – CNC Distribution LLC announced on Monday that the company would be developing a new website to showcase specialty plumbing products. Michael Cerza stated at the press conference that the company will be launching the new site as part of an integrated marketing strategy to better serve clients.
The new […]
Featured Products
CNC stocks a full line of Service Weight Soil Pipe Gaskets from 2” thru 15”
A complete line of full port 600# UL and CSA compliant valves
Drain Tool
Flange Tool for Installing Lever and Twist Drains
CNC6040 2” Brass No-Caulk Shower Drain
w/Stainless Steel Grid, Gasket & Wrench